Arabic Anywhere is our collection of 95+ audio mp3s, videos, PDFs and other Arabic resources. More importantly, it’s a 24/7 online community for thousands of Arabic enthusiasts, beginners, and everyone in between.
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The first few words of a conversation are sometimes the most crucial. Survival Arabic will help you survive on the streets as you navigate through the Arab streets.
Connections is a thirty-five part audio course that gives you the essential tools to initiate the first words of a conversation in Arabic.
The Arab Street audio interviews get you out of the virtual class and into the vibrant context of using Arabic in situ amongst Arabs themselves.
Tasali brings you snack sized lessons on essential colloquial Arabic phrases used in the Levant.
The Arabs frequently use proverbs and sayings in their communication. Understanding proverbs is essential for communicating with native Arab speakers.
A potpourri collection of various topics: culture, classical Arabic, vocabulary & more. Another live section of Arabic, as new videos will often be put here, including many upcoming webinars.